Brown's Doveside Promotions LLC

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Monday, November 9, 2009

Former Mayoral Candidate Brown “Speaks Out” Draws Plan:

 “Saving Urban Cities from a Culture of Disaster”

Urge Council Members to Adopt

Monday, November 9, 2009 – Cleveland, Ohio: A neighborhood in turmoil due to a violent killing spree, ongoing school violents, ignored parental outrage, political rhetoric and blatant public deceit have sparked an uproar in Former Mayoral Candidate Kimberly F. Brown..

For the past several years disturbing incidents of violence have disturbed the community of Cleveland, Ohio and no one in our community has come up with a viable plan or solutions to aid in the development process of safe neighborhoods.  From the high profile cases of Asa Coons, Jonathan Douthard, and Amber Hill to the current House of Horror’s Serial Killer (Anthony Sowell) each incident has momentarily outraged the inner city residents of Cleveland. Fancy speeches, evening vigils and national news have taken incidents and spun them to be a useless “Star Struck Moment” without a plan of action. Although Brown is not directly connected to the Sowell case, she is indirectly affected because she grew up with two of the women - one of which who was said to have been killed by Sowell and the other who was able to escape from him. In immediate response, Brown led and executed over 1,000 flyers and canvassed the neighborhoods offering mental health services to families, friends and neighbors who have been affected by this vile act. Eleven black women are dead. Eleven sisters are gone! Eleven mothers will not raise their children. Foremost, Eleven women will never be what they could have been – Great Women of Society!

In 2007, Brown developed a global step by step safety module for urban cities in effort of Saving Urban Cities from “Thug” Culture. The program module is called Project 21,000

 Project 21,000 of "Pure" Excellence Inc. is a not for profit progressive movement organization developed to reduce crime activity within urban cities. Through global mass marketing, advertising, strategic plans, education, motivation, inspiration, community entitlement and interventions, self empowerment and self preservation we strongly believe that all residents, businesses, school officials and stakeholders will take an active stand and "Stand Up" for their city by confronting issues with positive progressive movement(s) to establish a dialogue between community leaders and the everyday citizen which will in turn lead to a life time of resolutions steered by a sense of community pride. The most value source of Project 21,000 is empowerment. Empowerment encourages and commands youth, parents, families, businesses, communities and others to “do for themselves”, to have a genuine sense of self worth - “entitlement” and teaches and supports necessary relationship development skills and use of community resources and services. Empowerment embeds hope by focusing on and building on individual and group strengths.

Project 21,000 understands that today’s circumstances commands a change in action and re-action to illnesses destroying our communities. Systems’ in general can no longer do what they have been doing trying to get a different result. With this basic comprehension, P21 knows that it is necessary to utilize creative non-traditional “innovative” methods to combat the culture of a fallen society by securing necessary goods and everyday services  and using proactive tools to not only prevent and reduce crimes but also educate and inform law abiding citizens at the same time. 

Project 21,000 believes that people have control over their own lives by the decisions they make.  Project 21,000 believes that no one should be excluded from "Saving America’s Urban Cities”. Project 21,000 welcomes anyone of any age from birth to 100 years of age to confront issues of which are hindering their communities. Project 21,000 will command 21,000 members and a thousand more voices to finally deliver a safe and nurturing environment for all law abiding residents. We are Project 21,000 of "Pure" Excellence Inc, and we are coming soon to your city! Look out for Project 21,000

Because of  the intensity of Project 21,000 Brown will hold separate community and group briefings regarding violence on and around school property, requesting full accountability and cooperation from Director Fultz (CMSD Safety Director) and the school’s security personnel as well as assistance from our Cleveland Police Department, home owners and local businesses. “Schools are supposed to be safe! Our neighborhoods are supposed to be safe! Our parents should not have to worry about the safety of their children while attending school! Educating Cleveland’s youth is our primary responsibility. We must assure that our children are safe at all times in order for a productive learning process to occur,” stated Brown. In reference to the Anthony Sowell case, Brown is eager to discuss specific details of how the city could have and can protect residents regardless of current condition of which they may suffer. “This entire plan is vital to the safety of our community. During mayoral forums,  public safety was a high priority on our list of things to accomplish – we have an actual plan. Frank Jackson is the Mayor and I respect his position, however Project 21,000 is only here to help. And at this time, it appears that we are  the only organization with a viable clear/cut plan of substance – that will serve the whole community and keep everyone safe,” says Brown.


Brown will reveal her absolute urgent zero tolerance plans for “Safe Schools” for our Cleveland Municipal School District and “Saving our City from “Thug” Culture.


Brown will re-introduce Project 21,000 and disclose vital information to communities across the globe that are willing to invest in their neighborhoods to stop incidents such as the “House of Horror” from ever occurring again.

 Brown “Speak Out” Urgent Zero Tolerance Plan for “Safe Schools” and “Thug Culture” individual review conferences of both Safety Plans will be held at the discretion of public interest and personal invitation. All interested members of the community at large are invited to schedule a briefing with Brown at their earliest convenience. Also, Brown will send a letter to Councilman Kevin Conwell and Council President Martin Sweeney regarding this plan.


Brown Urges City Council to Adopt Saefty Plan for City and Schools


Dear Mr. Kevin Conwell and Council President Martin Sweeney:

Time is running out!  Our counties, cities and schools are suffering from excessive crime and criminal activity. Community residents have become silent for fear of retaliation and have made unhealthy decisions to either ignore issues of a “fallen society” or become prisoners within their own homes. The minority is controlling the masses through abuse, threats and fear. More laws and legislation is being developed to “stop” criminal activity, unfortunately these rules have no real bearing on perpetrators only law abiding citizens, and for the perpetrator has no respect for legal systems or civilization of secure communities.  In a country as great and intelligent as the United States, these types of behaviors should not be tolerated by our elected officials nor should they be looked upon as epidemics of which we believe there is no cure. 

Project 21,000 of “Pure” Excellence Inc is a progressive movement initiative developed to reduce and get rid of crime activity and unscrupulous individuals within our communities. Project 21,000 believes that every living human being must take an active stand and command safe neighborhoods. Through an aggressive public and community relations membership drive and marketing campaign, followed by strategic concepts, bi-annual Town Hall Forums and community interventions, Project 21,000 believes that all residents and stake holders will become actively involved and empowered within their neighborhoods in effort to develop “safe streets and protective environments” of which one resides and conduct business.

As elected public officials, the community depends on your leadership and expertise to keep our neighborhoods safe. Today is the day!

Look out for Project 21,000 of “Pure” Excellence Inc. We are coming to your community very soon.  An exclusive invitation will be forthcoming. It would be to your advantage to meet with members of Project 21,000 to review this strategic safety module.

We look forward to hearing from you as well as meeting with you at your earliest convenience


            Kimberly F. Brown

            CEO/Project 21,000 Inc



                Members of the media

                WOIO 19 action news

                WUAB 43

                Newsnet 5


                Plain Dealer Newspaper






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